Free The Night
In Free the Night viewers can interact with the night sky, picking and placing lights out of a city skyline, triggering real-time physical reactions, whilst seeing and hearing the light extinguish, then reignite as the lights can be placed back into the night sky where they belong. Then once the night sky is complete, viewers can do slight touches or swipes which will trigger real-time physical reactions: stars swooping, dancing, travelling all around viewers, and so much more.

Free the Night was created for Microsoft by creator Nicole McDonald and Jaunt VR along with partners Giant Propeller and Framestore. Framestore optimized the Free the Night VR experience to run on low specification hardware capable of delivering comparable visual fidelity for computers without a standard VR-ready graphics card. This re-scripted build allows more accessibility to a variety of platforms compatible with the Acer Windows Mixed Reality Headset with Motion Controllers. Key features such as environmental details and the light particle system were re-approached to include adaptable geographical features and optimized frame rates.

Free the Night, Jaunt’s First 6DoF Experience Debuts at The Future of StoryTelling - Jaunt
Jaunt’s Free The Night Now Available For Windows Mixed Reality - VR Scout
Jaunt Announces Their First Full 6 DOF VR Experience Called ‘Free The Night’ - VR & Fun
Jaunt’s stunning VR experience Free the Night now available for WMR - MS Power User