Choose Great
‘So what’s the difference between good and great?’ That’s the question posed by star Chris Hemsworth in the opening of Buchanan’s film, produced and directed by Framestore Pictures.
Director Anh Vu develops the ‘Choose Great’ film narrative with three pivotal emotional moments that act as metaphors to Hemsworth’s question, delivering pitch perfect inspirational and visual storytelling.

The film portrays three different life-defining moments: finding success, falling in love, and celebrating friendship. The film airs in Mexico, with accompanying music by Mexico's Filarmonica de Veracruz.
Portraying these emotional metaphors was one of the best parts of the project. I am a very visual person, sensitive and emotional. I truly wanted to capture the emotions that I felt for each of these stories.

Vu worked closely with the film’s acting coach, Sheila Gray, to develop each character and create a cohesive storyline. Another close relationship on set was between Vu and frequent collaborator Kenji Katori, the project’s Director of Photography. The pair pushed each other creatively to create the beautiful piece of film.

It was important for me to come up with visuals that stand out on their own and truly speak for themselves. For the audience to feel something for these characters, the picture had to be visually powerful and emotional.

The entire Framestore Pictures production team believed in Vu’s vision. To bring it to life, they scheduled fourteen days of location scouting, several stunt rehearsals, and carefully planned visual effects with the core unit of Framestore’s New York office.

The script was complex in many ways, but the message was simple and clear. Chris Hemsworth is our guide as he leads us on into this life-affirming journey, inspiring us to push for greatness.

As humans we constantly strive for our own happiness. I felt like I could relate to all these stories, and that’s what really drew me into this script.

Anh Vu - Free The Bid
Chris Hemsworth Deciphers Difference Between Good and Great in New Buchanan’s Ad - LBB Online
Framestore Pictures Helps Buchanan's 'Choose Great' - Source Creative
Buchanan's: Greater expectations. - David Reviews