Amy Smith
Amy has been working in talent related roles within the visual effects industry across both the UK and Canada for many years. In each role she has had responsibility for working with schools, colleges and universities to provide careers guidance and support educators with content. She is a non-executive Director of Access:VFX, an industry organisation working to improve the diversity of the visual effects industry. She is also part of the steering group of the Next Gen Skills Academy who, with industry, launched a Level 3 Diploma in Games, Animation and VFX Skills and she took responsibility for working with NextGen to develop, launch and promote VFX apprenticeships. More recently, Amy has completed work as Chair of the T-Level panel for Media, Broadcast and Production. The panel was responsible for providing an employer perspective on the post-16 education landscape in the UK.
Q&A with Amy
What did you want to be when you were younger?
I really wanted (and still do!) to be a volcanologist!
Years working in recruitment?
Too many . . . . about 20 now I think! 🫣
Year you joined Framestore?
I returned in 2012 but worked here for a few years before that too - I’m a Framestore boomerang!
How do you like your coffee?
I would like my coffee to be a bucket of builders tea please!
What superhero power would you love to have?
Teleportation - always and forever.
What’s your favourite Framestore project?
Too many to pick from! But one that has stuck with me ever since I first started at the company is Guinness ‘Surfer’. I still think it is one of the most beautiful commercials ever made.
Number one tip for an application to impress you?
Be yourself. I see so many people using free templates, AI tools, making their CV a piece of graphic design and including all sorts of other gimmicks that are supposed to get my attention. But honestly I would much rather just feel like ‘you’ have applied and are shining through the CV, cover letter or showreel you have submitted to us. That’s what will make you stand out from the crowd!