19th July 2020

ACCESS:VFX West Coast Launch

Framestore is pleased to support the launch of the U.S. West Coast chapter of ACCESS:VFX - an industry-led, non-profit consisting of leading VFX, animation and gaming studios. Uniting voices across the industry, the organization promotes diversity within the VFX industry and provides practical tools for up-and-coming creatives to succeed in the industry through mock interviews, reel reviews, virtual events and e-mentorships.

Framestore's very own U.S. Recruitment Manager, Kathleen Ruffalo, will co-chair the new chapter alongside The Mill's Head of People and Culture, Ann Hoang, to promote industry diversity, mentorship and apprenticeship efforts in and around LA.

“I’m thrilled to be involved with the launch of the West Coast chapter of ACCESS:VFX — a long-awaited addition to the ACCESS network,” said Ruffalo. “With the current climate, there’s never been a better time to encourage inclusion and diversity within the VFX, animation and games industries, which have historically struggled with a lack of representation of people from minority backgrounds.” 

To celebrate the launch, Ruffalo appeared as a guest on the ACCESS:VFX podcast discussing what to expect from the new chapter, tips for students looking to break into the industry, and why now more than ever is a great time to get involved. For more information, visit the ACCESS:VFX website here.