A black and white photo of Ian Landman

Ian Landman

Head of Recruitment

What did you want to be when you were younger?

Firefighter. And after becoming the primary cook at home, I achieved that dream. 


Years working in recruitment?

13.5 years according to LinkedIn.


Year you joined Framestore?

2017. The same year Paddington 2 and Guardians of the Galaxy 2 were released. 


How do you like your coffee?

Filter, black, no sugar. Served in the largest mug available. 


What superhero power would you love to have?

After seeing Jumper, teleportation — a good chance of meeting Samuel L. Jackson too.


What's your favourite Framestore project?

Paddington 2, of course.


Number one tip for an application to impress you?

I do love it when someone adds when they are available. Also, any opportunity to inject your personality, either on the resume or cover letter is appreciated.