A black and white photo of Chanpreet Malhotra

Chanpreet Malhotra

Senior Recruiter

What did you want to be when you were younger?

I always wanted to be a Teacher, making a difference in children's lives, nurturing, learning and growing with them.


Years working in recruitment?

7.5 years of experience in recruitment.


Year you joined Framestore?



How do you like your coffee?

I love a cold frappe coffee with chocolate chips.


What superhero power would you love to have?

I would love to be able to read people's minds and experience others' feelings.


What's your favourite Framestore project?

Being a huge Harry Potter fan, all Harry Potter movies and the Fantastic Beast series are my favourites. 


Number one tip for an application to impress you?

Creating a crisp and concise resume, and showreel of what you can offer that matches the requirement.